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Substance Suite

Substance Suite

Course Duration

5 days

Course Date

8-12 / August


Live - Online


1000 €

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The 3D environment texturing pipeline is drastically changing since the introduction of the Substance Designer and Painter Suite, and it can be daunting to adapt to. This course, creating 3D Environment Textures with Substance Suite, will help you transition into these modern texturing workflows. First, you will build out stylized shapes both traditionally and procedurally. Then, you will create all the necessary maps for use in your favorite application. Last, you will reuse these textures iteratively on multiple assets inside both Substance Designer and Painter. By the end of this environment texturing course, you will have a solid understanding of current industry pipelines, while still maintaining the quality and techniques of traditional texturing for PBR ready models in conjunction with Substance Suite.

Substance Designer

Node Based Workflow

Creating textures in Substance Designer is different from other 2D image editing software such as Photoshop. Instead of performing an action manually we will construct the logical steps of editing or creating textures. This happens by building a network of Nodes.

Substance Designer

Substance Painter

Importing Assets

We'll start out by learning about some general set up tips for creating 3D assets in a content creation package like 3ds Max / Maya. After that, we'll learn how to properly prepare and bake out our essential maps needed for texturing in Substance Painter.

Substance Painter
Substance Alchemist

Substance Alchemist

Creating AI Materials

In this part we take a look at how to use Image to Material AI powered. We also cover how to tile materials and take a look a various options and workflows for tiling and removing repetition in the tile.

Substance Source

Introduction to Substance Source library. Thousands of customizable PBR materials created by specialists and world-class guest artists.

Substance Source


Unreal Engine / Unity3D

Import, tweak or export Substance files directly 3ds Max / Maya. Automatically create materials with Substance outputs or easily convert them for use in any renderer.

By offering our training, we connect specialists and scientists to the knowledge they need 

All our training is hands-on, practical and project-based.

With over 10 years of training experience, we are well qualified to bring a unique training experience and consultancy for any project you may have.

We can help to stay competitive in today’s job market by helping to develop new skills.

Our instructors will stay with you for support even after training.

We offer standardized certification of world-leading software developers recognized by the industry leaders, which helps considerably when your career begins to take off. 

Developing bespoke course we will together identify your areas of weakness and areas of improvement, set goals and targets adjusting it to the current needs. 


1000 €

Course Date

8-12 / August


5 days


Thanks for submitting!

Target Audience 

This course is directed at architects, engineers, scientists, interior and product designers, as well as any other beginner or professional who wants to achieve a photorealistic render, animation, VR and simulation at a professional level.  

Delivery Formats 

This course can be attended Live Online in a virtual classroom remotely from home or office, private one-to-one and for your team. 


After completing the training course program, students will receive an Completion Training Certificates. 

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